A British, Asia-based filmmaker. I work in many formats like narrative film, art film, documentary, promotional & music videos etc.

My directorial and camerawork is driven by a sense for detail and atmosphere, with a keen eye towards light and movement. I love challenges, working with limitations and exposing emotion. I know the rules but often break them when required.

  • Conceptialisation

  • Directorial

  • Director of Photography

  • Production Manager

  • Colourist

  • Editor

Email: leejbutcher@gmail.com


On Pedder 

Roles: Director of Photography, Editor

Shot at Happy Printing Co, a small family run business based in Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong. The video features the owner Mr. Kwan, who started the business back in 1977.
The film is about making everyday objects appear beautiful. In a world of mass production, Mr. Kwan is an artist who has spent most of his life perfecting the printing process. When you slow the process down as we did in the film, the machine becomes very elegant in its movement. The sound of the printing press is manipulated into a unique piece of music that builds throughout the film.

Director: Luke Casey
Director of Photography: Lee Butcher
Music by: Shane Aspegren
Edited by: Lee Butcher