A British, Asia-based filmmaker. I work in many formats like narrative film, art film, documentary, promotional & music videos etc.

My directorial and camerawork is driven by a sense for detail and atmosphere, with a keen eye towards light and movement. I love challenges, working with limitations and exposing emotion. I know the rules but often break them when required.

  • Conceptialisation

  • Directorial

  • Director of Photography

  • Production Manager

  • Colourist

  • Editor

Email: leejbutcher@gmail.com


Joyce Wang

Roles: Director of Photography

A video shot for
Joyce Wang Studio, based in London and Hong Kong. An award-winning interior design practice with a reputation for luxury interiors.
Ammo, A vibrant bar and Mediterranean restaurant in the Asia Societyheadquarters, Ammo is housed on the site of the former ammunitions storage site for the British, hence the name. Inspiration for the dramatic interior was drawn from Jean-Luc Goddard’s seminal film noire: Alphaville. Bespoke copper chandeliers and a glowing back bar display feed the imagination and make for a celebratory venue with a surreal edge.

Director: Luke Casey 
Director of Photography: Lee Butcher
Music by: Alex Formosa